Tuesday, April 10, 2007

A Little Accident

One of my favorite things is to play in a plastic bag. I strap a handle around my leg and go running around the house - I feel like SUPERKITTY!!! It's so freeing! But the other day, I went running and the plastic bag went over my head, and I couldn't see properly, and ran into the fireplace screen and got a bloody nose!


PJW said...

Gonzo, obviously you need to work on your technique. Running with a plastic bag over your head is not something I'd recommend to a "rookie."
I'd wager there are only a few really well trained bag runners these days. But I can recall when bag running was in vogue...ahh those days were sweet.
I'd hope you'd stick with the basics like jumping in the shower and sliding down the banaster until you're experienced enough to step up to something a little more mischevious.

Precious Nushy said...

Tee hee- what I love to do is scratch away at a plastic or paper bag to get the attention of my friend. PNushy

Marty and Lindz said...

Yes, Peej is right; bag running is not for the naive. Many dangers lurk in what seems to be just a simple game of cat and ... well, after this embarrassing display Gonzo bolted upstairs to cower and tend to his little kitty-bloody-nose. After Marty found him and discovered the injury, he immediately began to administer what the internet described as "Kitty First Aide" involving ice packs and clean rags. He he he. Unfortunately no one had informed the world of felines that they are supposed to cooperate with these practices. Oh, well. By the time we had rounded up all of the necessary supplies, the Gonz was fine and the shock of the incident beginning to wear off. He's back to his mischievous self again, but staying far away from plastic grocery bags or superkitty capes-at least for the time being :)

PJW said...

Well I hope this kafaffle doesn't lead to more kitty indistrections. It would be a shame to one day stumble upon an unsuspecting G-LO testing how the teapot made that whistling noise.
I'd have to say I like this BLOG. It makes absolutely no sense at all, has no real basis in reality and demeans an animal whose cyberspace capabilities would rival a caveman...sorry I forgot they were still around, oops.
Nevertheless, should Gonzo one day learn the fine art of cyber-surfing and stuble upon our certainly amiable and well founded advice I would only add this: The laundry shoot is a one-way device and can in no way be exited upon entry...take it from a cat that knows.

Buster the Cat

Sara said...

Obviously that wasn't cat nip you left out for Gonzo to play with.